The Lifestyle Health Program is a chronic disease management and wellness program available to benefited employees and dependents who are at risk for, or have, chronic health issues. The program provides support and tools to improve nutrition, fitness and overall health, all on a confidential and voluntary basis. The Lifestyle Health Program’s registered nurse, exercise physiologist and registered dietician become a critical part of a your care team – providing a holistic and concierge approach to prevention and chronic disease management.
Program participants undergo an initial assessment of their lifestyle, diet, and fitness level. Every three months afterward, they consult with their health coaches to monitor their participation in program and progress in their overall health.
Concurrent member risk evaluations are actively conducted through participants’ claim analysis profiles (including medical, prescription drug, dental and vision claims), and electronic medical record data. The Lifestyle Health Program is established in the member’s care team, as our clinicians and lifestyle coaches have access to electronic health record data through our integrated clinical data system, EPIC.
The Lifestyle Health Program empowers employees and their dependents to take an active role in their health. Participants have access to a multitude of health care resources that assist in the reduction of personal health care risk. These resources include individual member interventions, with direct access and support from a registered nurse, registered dietician and exercise physiologist.
Using motivational interviewing and health coaching tools, the highly qualified Lifestyle Health Program team develops a customized approach unique to the individual’s health history and lifestyle health goals. Consultations, fitness classes, nutrition classes and healthy cooking demonstrations are available in person or virtually.
Focused on building relationships and trust, the Lifestyle Health Program provides engagement, support and encouragement, while navigating the member through their health care journey. Taking a concierge approach, the Lifestyle Health Program works hand-in-hand with the member to ensure they are referred to other care professionals in their care continuum, such as referrals to behavioral health care providers.

Program Offerings
Read our recent White Paper, Health Insurance to Health Assurance, for a more comprehensive look into the program’s development, administration, and return on investment.
Medical Management
- Claims Review & Risk Assessments
- Referral Management
- Plan Navigation
Disease Management
- Living Well Courses (6-week courses)
- Fitness and Nutrition Classes (Quarterly and Weekly)
- Fitness and Nutrition Challenges
Maternity Management
- Support and education for a healthy pregnancy / trimester specific
- Tailored nutrition and fitness classes
- Coordinated care with member’s provider
- Direct outreach to at risk-members and dependents through virtual visits and phone calls
- One-on-one visits with our team of clinical professionals and health coaches
- Evidence based lifestyle health assessment completed and reviewed with our registered nurse
- Individualized care plans created for benefited members and dependents
- Ongoing check-ins providing support and accountability
- Reassessment every 3 months to continually define health status, goals and areas of focus
- Claims review to identify top utilized providers within your group
- Direct outreach to providers to promote referrals to and coordination with our registered nurses
- Data analytics and predictive modeling actuarially validated by Chenoweth & Associates
- Data considered within predictive cost model algorithms include demographic data and historical claims data
- Track and trend key indicators through standard clinical assessments inclusive of Personal Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Nutritional Screening Index (NSI), Global anxiety Scale (GAS), Regular Physical Activity (RPA 1 and RPA 2)
- Nutrition
- Fitness
- Chronic Disease Self-Management
- Stress Management
Class Schedule & Member Resources
We offer free circuit-style strength and cardio and yoga classes to all Lifestyle Health Program participants. Each class is different and offers a safe way to add variety to your weekly routine, decrease injury risk, and help relieve everyday aches.
Fitness class schedule
- Mondays and Wednesdays 4:30 – 5:15 p.m.
Yoga class schedule
- Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
- Thursdays 4:30 – 5:15 p.m.
*Classes are subject to change: please contact us for the most up to date monthly schedule.
Disease Management
- Living Well with Diabetes 2024: Tuesdays, January 16 – February 20, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Introduction Tuesday January 9, 5:30pm
- Living Well with Chronic Conditions: Thursdays, February 1 – March 7, 5:30 -7:30pm. Introduction January 25, 5:30pm
- PAVING the path to Wellness: Tuesdays March 26 – May 14, 5:30 – 7pm. Introduction March 9, 5:30pm
- Cancer Thriving and Surviving: April 25 – May 30, 5:30-7:30pm. Introduction April 18, 5:30pm
- Living Well with Chronic Pain: September 17 – October 22, 5:30 – 7:30pm. Introduction September 10, 5:30pm
- PAVING the path to Wellness: Thursdays September 26 – November 14, 5:30 – 7pm. Introduction September 19, 5:30pm
Fitness Challenge: Natural Area Summer Challange
Fall into Fitness 21 Day Challenge: October 1-21
Nutrition Classes
- Intermittent Fasting: Research Update, September 20 5:30-6:30pm.
* Scan code below or register for classes here
Participant Testimonial